Membership Packages

Join Us

Your membership includes our exclusive success package.

Basic Membership

Female Founders Network
$ 99 Annually
  • Press release
  • Social promotion
  • Profile & listing in member directory
  • Unlimited access to Microlearning
  • Member of private membership- level LinkedIn group
  • Member of private membership- level Facebook group
  • 1 pass (valued at $275) to a quarterly livestream event
  • LinkedIn profile review

Advanced Membership

Female Founders Network
$ 297 Annually
  • Press release
  • Social promotion
  • Profile & listing in member directory
  • Unlimited access to MicroLearning
  • Member of private membership-level LinkedIn group
  • Member of private membership-level Facebook group
  • 2 passes (valued at $275 each) to quarterly livestream events
  • LinkedIn profile review
  • Monthly virtual โ€œPower Hour Walk & Talkโ€ with Rose Vitale
  • Pitch deck review ($450 value)
  • Podcast
  • 2 online courses (valued at $500 each) on business best practices such as:
  • Building Personal Brand
  • Being Remembered
  • Networking NOT Working?
  • Cross-Team Collaboration
  • Improving Your Management Chops
  • Keeping Up Morale While Focusing on the Business
  • Questions are Often More Meaningful Than Answers
  • Client Conversations that Grow Your Business & Theirs
  • Letโ€™s Build Culture Together
  • Getting Sh*t Done
  • Roles & Goals
  • Listening Through Digital Means
  • The Art & Science of Persuasion
  • The Importance of Self-Care
  • Annual Founders & Investors online networking events
  • Sip & Say virtual cocktail hour events
  • Digital pitchbook

Ultimate Membership

Female Founders Network
$ 997 Annually
  • Press release
  • Social promotion
  • Profile & listing in member directory
  • Unlimited access to Microlearning
  • Member of private membership-level LinkedIn group
  • Member of private membership-level Facebook group
  • 5 passes (valued at $275 each) to quarterly livestream events
  • LinkedIn profile review
  • Monthly virtual โ€œPower Hour Walk & Talkโ€ with Rose Vitale
  • Pitch deck review ($450 value)
  • Blogcast (Blog + Podcast)
  • 5 online courses (valued at $500 each) on business best practices such as:
  • Building Personal Brand
  • Being Remembered
  • Networking NOT Working?
  • Cross-Team Collaboration
  • Improving Your Management Chops
  • Keeping Up Morale While Focusing on the Business
  • Questions are Often More Meaningful Than Answers
  • Client Conversations that Grow Your Business & Theirs
  • Letโ€™s Build Culture Together
  • Getting Sh*t Done
  • Roles & Goals
  • Listening Through Digital Means
  • The Art & Science of Persuasion
  • The Importance of Self-Care
  • Quarterly Founders & Investors online networking events
  • Sip & Say virtual cocktail hour events
  • Digital pitchbook
  • Complimentary thought leadership
  • e-book by Rose Vitale 
    Science of Becoming a Female Investor: The Secret Guide to Becoming a Wealthy Female Investor
  • Five 30-minute 1:1 sessions (valued at $1,200)
  • Professionals who will train you in business best practices.
  • Testing and digital workbooks included.
  • Tutorials on your own video production
  • Vimeo or YouTube video production - captioning video because many arenโ€™t listening and are reading the captions.

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